CIP and SIP systems in Pharmaceutical Industry
Pharmaceutical industries use water for production, reconstruction or synthesis of the pharmaceutical products. The raw water entering the pharmaceutical industry will often need treatment to meet the high-grade specificationsfor the different purpose of the industry. As hygiene is one of the essential parts of food processing, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries and hence correct cleaning of all the elements is required. Clean-in-Place (CIP) and Sterilization-in-Place (SIP) systems are anessential part of any pharmaceutical industry which believes to deliver quality products. Until 1950s, closed systems were disassembled and then cleaned manually. This used to consume a lot of time for industries which needed frequent cleaning. The advent of CIP (Clean-in-Place) has really benefitted such industries. CIP systems in the pharmaceutical industry is a method which is used to clean the inner surface of pipes, filters, vessels, types of related equipments, and associate...